Marine or Naval Architect is a professional engineer who is responsible for the design, construction, and repair of ships, boats, other marine vessels, and offshore structures, both civil and military,

Over the past century, naval technology has developed leaps and bounds. Ships and other sea-going vessels along with the technologies of marine navigation and shipbuilding have seen huge advancements and this has led to the establishment of various dedicated fields of study. Naval architecture is one such specialized field, which is an integral part of the shipping industry.

Naval architecture is the name given to the science and engineering of designing and manufacturing of sea-going vessels such as ships, yachts, powerboats, steamers, tugs, fishing boats, barges, warships, cruise ships, icebreakers, and even submarines. In addition to these, the study of naval architecture also deals with the design and manufacturing of offshore structures of all kinds whether commercial or military.

Each of these structures whether permanent ones, offshore or movable ones such as floating structures, has undergone vast changes with the development of this particular field of technology.

Naval architecture has been instrumental in the evolution of the new age sea machines and ports ? some of these are very high-valued, complex piece of engineering structures ever created by mankind.

A naval architect specializes in every facet of maritime activities such as dredging, shipment, and transportation, offshore drilling, etc. This is the field that caters to discipline of the shipping industry right from the research and development, designing, building and repairing of all the above-mentioned machines. The naval architect is not only responsible for the development aspect, but also for the economic feasibility, values, and safety of the marine vessels and related units.

It is of utmost importance that a naval architect is updated with all that is latest in the maritime field and also stays connected with the new developments and research. These professionals also have to be excellent at coordinating with other professionals who are experts in the marine disciple, for e.g. scientists, marine surveyors, engineers of all departments, seafarers, accountants, mariners, and even entrepreneurs.

To undertake all these tasks the Naval Architect must have an understanding of many branches of engineering and must be at the forefront of high technology areas such as computer-aided design and calculation.

A Variety of Careers in Naval Architecture

Naval Architects have a wide range of employment opportunities world-wide. They are involved in such a wide variety of work that it is difficult to categorise it comprehensively. However, the main areas are a variety of career design, construction, and repair, etc.

How do you get there?

Take up science (physics, chemistry, and maths) at the plus-two level. Pursue a BTech degree in naval architecture and ocean engineering, offered at a few institutes in India, for which you need to clear a written entrance test. The Indian Navy takes in graduates in select branches of engineering, who are given post-graduate training at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. After the officers earn their diplomas in naval construction from IIT Delhi, the Navy sends them to the naval dockyards in Mumbai, Visakhapatnam, Cochin or Port Blair Also at IIT Madras and Kharagpur BTech in naval architecture and ocean engineering as well as a five-year dual BTech/MTech (naval architecture engineering and MTech in applied mechanics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, BTech in naval architecture and shipbuilding, IIT Delhi (Diploma in naval construction, for Indian Navy officers), Indian Maritime University, Chennai, diploma leading to BSc in shipbuilding and repair.

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Marine or Naval Architect is a professional engineer who is responsible for the design, construction, and repair of ships, boats, other marine vessels, and offshore structures, both civil and military,

Over the past century, naval technology has developed leaps and bounds. Ships and other sea-going vessels along with the technologies of marine navigation and shipbuilding have seen huge advancements and this has led to the establishment of various dedicated fields of study. Naval architecture is one such specialized field, which is an integral part of the shipping industry.

Naval architecture is the name given to the science and engineering of designing and manufacturing of sea-going vessels such as ships, yachts, powerboats, steamers, tugs, fishing boats, barges, warships, cruise ships, icebreakers, and even submarines. In addition to these, the study of naval architecture also deals with the design and manufacturing of offshore structures of all kinds whether commercial or military.

Each of these structures whether permanent ones, offshore or movable ones such as floating structures, has undergone vast changes with the development of this particular field of technology.

Naval architecture has been instrumental in the evolution of the new age sea machines and ports ? some of these are very high-valued, complex piece of engineering structures ever created by mankind.

A naval architect specializes in every facet of maritime activities such as dredging, shipment, and transportation, offshore drilling, etc. This is the field that caters to discipline of the shipping industry right from the research and development, designing, building and repairing of all the above-mentioned machines. The naval architect is not only responsible for the development aspect, but also for the economic feasibility, values, and safety of the marine vessels and related units.

It is of utmost importance that a naval architect is updated with all that is latest in the maritime field and also stays connected with the new developments and research. These professionals also have to be excellent at coordinating with other professionals who are experts in the marine disciple, for e.g. scientists, marine surveyors, engineers of all departments, seafarers, accountants, mariners, and even entrepreneurs.

To undertake all these tasks the Naval Architect must have an understanding of many branches of engineering and must be at the forefront of high technology areas such as computer-aided design and calculation.

A Variety of Careers in Naval Architecture

Naval Architects have a wide range of employment opportunities world-wide. They are involved in such a wide variety of work that it is difficult to categorise it comprehensively. However, the main areas are a variety of career design, construction, and repair, etc.

How do you get there?

Take up science (physics, chemistry, and maths) at the plus-two level. Pursue a BTech degree in naval architecture and ocean engineering, offered at a few institutes in India, for which you need to clear a written entrance test. The Indian Navy takes in graduates in select branches of engineering, who are given post-graduate training at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. After the officers earn their diplomas in naval construction from IIT Delhi, the Navy sends them to the naval dockyards in Mumbai, Visakhapatnam, Cochin or Port Blair Also at IIT Madras and Kharagpur BTech in naval architecture and ocean engineering as well as a five-year dual BTech/MTech (naval architecture engineering and MTech in applied mechanics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, BTech in naval architecture and shipbuilding, IIT Delhi (Diploma in naval construction, for Indian Navy officers), Indian Maritime University, Chennai, diploma leading to BSc in shipbuilding and repair.

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