A sole proprietorship is a form of business organization, where a single person Own controls and manages all the business activities, an individual who operates the business is called as a sole proprietor or, a sole trader. Sole Proprietorship in simple term is a one-person business organization. It is an entity that is wholly owned and managed by one natural person (not a legal person/entity) known as the sole proprietor. The business and the man are the same, but it does not have a separate legal entity.

In this business unit, the sole proprietor is exclusively and wholly responsible for employing the required capital to commence a business, bearing all the risk of the enterprise and also for managing all the activities single-handedly. And to do so, he/she pools and arranges various resources in an organized way, with the sole aim of earning a profit. The owner is exclusively responsible for all the decisions taken or to be made. All the profits earned by the business go to the sole trader?s pocket, and he is solely responsible for the loss suffered by him in the market.

A sole proprietorship does not have to be incorporated or registered. It is the simplest form of business organizations and the ideal choice to run a small or medium scale business.

Although sole proprietor doesn?t require any specific registrations, he is advised to obtain a few registrations to make his business function smoothly.

Features of Sole Proprietorship

Merits of Sole Proprietorship Demerits of Sole Proprietorship
Easy formation and closure Limited resources
Maintenance of business secrets Limited managerial ability
Quick decision and prompt action Limited managerial ability
Better control Limited size
Least record keeping Unlimited liability
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A sole proprietorship is a form of business organization, where a single person Own controls and manages all the business activities, an individual who operates the business is called as a sole proprietor or, a sole trader. Sole Proprietorship in simple term is a one-person business organization. It is an entity that is wholly owned and managed by one natural person (not a legal person/entity) known as the sole proprietor. The business and the man are the same, but it does not have a separate legal entity.

In this business unit, the sole proprietor is exclusively and wholly responsible for employing the required capital to commence a business, bearing all the risk of the enterprise and also for managing all the activities single-handedly. And to do so, he/she pools and arranges various resources in an organized way, with the sole aim of earning a profit. The owner is exclusively responsible for all the decisions taken or to be made. All the profits earned by the business go to the sole trader?s pocket, and he is solely responsible for the loss suffered by him in the market.

A sole proprietorship does not have to be incorporated or registered. It is the simplest form of business organizations and the ideal choice to run a small or medium scale business.

Although sole proprietor doesn?t require any specific registrations, he is advised to obtain a few registrations to make his business function smoothly.

Features of Sole Proprietorship

Merits of Sole Proprietorship Demerits of Sole Proprietorship
Easy formation and closure Limited resources
Maintenance of business secrets Limited managerial ability
Quick decision and prompt action Limited managerial ability
Better control Limited size
Least record keeping Unlimited liability
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