A trademark is a unique symbol or word used to represent a business or its final products. Once registered, that same symbol or series of words of such activity cannot be used by any other organization or manufacturer as long as it remains in use, and proper paperwork and fees are paid. Unlike patents, which are granted for 20 years, trademarks never end.
A trademark is a sign or symbol that is used to identify business? goods or services from those of other enterprises. It can also be established by long-term use as representing a company or its product.
An enterprise makes extensive use of Trademarks to reach customers by enabling them to identify and locate the product. The National office issues trademark and is granted for 10 years and maybe renewed indefinitely.
The law of trademark deals with the procedure of registration, protection of trademark and prevention of fraudulent trademark.[2] The law also provides for the rights obtained by registration of a trademark, modes of transfer and assignment of the rights, nature of infringements, penalties for such violation, and remedies available to the owner in case of such violation.
Any Person means a Partnership firm, an association of persons, a company, whether incorporated or not, a Trust, Central or State government. Steps for registration of trademark-
Under section 29 of the Trademark Act, 1999, the use of a trademark by a person who not being registered proprietor of the trademark or a registered user thereof which is identical with, or deceptively similar to a registered trademark amounts to the infringement of trademark and the registered proprietor can take action or obtain relief in respect of infringement of trademark.
" />A trademark is a unique symbol or word used to represent a business or its final products. Once registered, that same symbol or series of words of such activity cannot be used by any other organization or manufacturer as long as it remains in use, and proper paperwork and fees are paid. Unlike patents, which are granted for 20 years, trademarks never end.
A trademark is a sign or symbol that is used to identify business? goods or services from those of other enterprises. It can also be established by long-term use as representing a company or its product.
An enterprise makes extensive use of Trademarks to reach customers by enabling them to identify and locate the product. The National office issues trademark and is granted for 10 years and maybe renewed indefinitely.
The law of trademark deals with the procedure of registration, protection of trademark and prevention of fraudulent trademark.[2] The law also provides for the rights obtained by registration of a trademark, modes of transfer and assignment of the rights, nature of infringements, penalties for such violation, and remedies available to the owner in case of such violation.
Any Person means a Partnership firm, an association of persons, a company, whether incorporated or not, a Trust, Central or State government. Steps for registration of trademark-
Under section 29 of the Trademark Act, 1999, the use of a trademark by a person who not being registered proprietor of the trademark or a registered user thereof which is identical with, or deceptively similar to a registered trademark amounts to the infringement of trademark and the registered proprietor can take action or obtain relief in respect of infringement of trademark.
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