Keeping students engaged throughout the day is a struggle for educators and parents. When the students don?t pay attention, it is concluded that either they are lazy or disobedient. But in reality, this lack of attention or concentration can occur for several reasons. One of the prime reasons being the students don?t take enough sleep at night. This is observed in students of all age groups. It is advised that students take restful sleep at night to focus on classroom lessons.
Sometimes, the environment of home also contributes to their inability to concentrate. Lack of proper nutrition or medication can also contribute to lack of concentration amongst students. When students do not eat proper meals, they are not able to intake the vitamins and minerals needed by the body to feel alert, focused and healthy. Having breakfast in the morning is a must for all age of students.
Irrespective of the reasons, there are a few experiments that can bring back their focus and get them excited about learning. Here are a few experimental activities to help get them participating.
With the time bound activities, set a predetermined time for students to finish any task. When students come near to the end of their focus period, they can push themselves until the very end. To play this game, give students any task to complete. This may be a worksheet, or a single problem, or an activity. And then fix the time slot accordingly.
A good rule of thumb is to set the time slot for one minute in proportion to the age of the student. Suppose, if the student is eight years old, then it is estimated that they should be able to focus on one task for eight minutes.
As the timer is running, students should totally focus on completing the task in their hand. Be sure that the tasks that are assigned to them will take the entire time to complete. This will keep them focused for the entire length of time and you do not need to worry about them having too much idle time.
Puzzles are a great way to exploit kid?s creative thinking. Puzzles are more like a game, which students are interested in solving and discovering the solution. The best part is they don?t necessarily feel like they are learning.
Puzzles in fact can be a great way to give kids a break from lectures without losing their focus. If in the middle of a class, students seem to be losing their concentration, throwing a puzzle can give them a fun break and help them refresh.
Puzzles can get the entire classroom going early in the morning. Students can be given an activity that causes them to think outside of the box and engage with students around them. All the while having fun, they can start their day with an exciting accomplishment.
To increase the concentration levels of students while studying, memory games are a great resource. Memory game engages the student without even realizing how intently they are focusing, keeping them interested and concentrated for a longer period.
The way they improve their memory through games, likewise, they can also apply these ideas and processes in their study as well. With a better memory, studying will become easy and students can extract more benefits from their time spent with the books. Memory games are now available for all age groups.
Setting schedules usually allows to break down a full day or a project into smaller, and more manageable parts. Using a schedule allows students to clearly see what is coming next, and in what time they have to switch to the next one.
Sticking to a schedule, students could feel more engaged and prepared as they shift their gears. Knowing how long they should focus on each item, gives their mind the liberty to break when one segment is up. This can avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed or sense of tackling too much within their day.
If the students are on a set routine, then their mind automatically adjusts to sufficient amount of focus and concentration that is needed. With proper breaks resolved into their schedule, students will clearly know when to focus, when to rest and when to get back to work.
Although many teachers and education leaders sometimes wonder how to encourage the students to participate. But unless the students are kept engaged, it invariably appeals that there is an underlying problem at hand. Understanding the root of ?why? students have trouble focusing, can help them restore their concentration levels.
Trying few of these focus-inducing activities may just surprise you with the results you see!
" />Keeping students engaged throughout the day is a struggle for educators and parents. When the students don?t pay attention, it is concluded that either they are lazy or disobedient. But in reality, this lack of attention or concentration can occur for several reasons. One of the prime reasons being the students don?t take enough sleep at night. This is observed in students of all age groups. It is advised that students take restful sleep at night to focus on classroom lessons.
Sometimes, the environment of home also contributes to their inability to concentrate. Lack of proper nutrition or medication can also contribute to lack of concentration amongst students. When students do not eat proper meals, they are not able to intake the vitamins and minerals needed by the body to feel alert, focused and healthy. Having breakfast in the morning is a must for all age of students.
Irrespective of the reasons, there are a few experiments that can bring back their focus and get them excited about learning. Here are a few experimental activities to help get them participating.
With the time bound activities, set a predetermined time for students to finish any task. When students come near to the end of their focus period, they can push themselves until the very end. To play this game, give students any task to complete. This may be a worksheet, or a single problem, or an activity. And then fix the time slot accordingly.
A good rule of thumb is to set the time slot for one minute in proportion to the age of the student. Suppose, if the student is eight years old, then it is estimated that they should be able to focus on one task for eight minutes.
As the timer is running, students should totally focus on completing the task in their hand. Be sure that the tasks that are assigned to them will take the entire time to complete. This will keep them focused for the entire length of time and you do not need to worry about them having too much idle time.
Puzzles are a great way to exploit kid?s creative thinking. Puzzles are more like a game, which students are interested in solving and discovering the solution. The best part is they don?t necessarily feel like they are learning.
Puzzles in fact can be a great way to give kids a break from lectures without losing their focus. If in the middle of a class, students seem to be losing their concentration, throwing a puzzle can give them a fun break and help them refresh.
Puzzles can get the entire classroom going early in the morning. Students can be given an activity that causes them to think outside of the box and engage with students around them. All the while having fun, they can start their day with an exciting accomplishment.
To increase the concentration levels of students while studying, memory games are a great resource. Memory game engages the student without even realizing how intently they are focusing, keeping them interested and concentrated for a longer period.
The way they improve their memory through games, likewise, they can also apply these ideas and processes in their study as well. With a better memory, studying will become easy and students can extract more benefits from their time spent with the books. Memory games are now available for all age groups.
Setting schedules usually allows to break down a full day or a project into smaller, and more manageable parts. Using a schedule allows students to clearly see what is coming next, and in what time they have to switch to the next one.
Sticking to a schedule, students could feel more engaged and prepared as they shift their gears. Knowing how long they should focus on each item, gives their mind the liberty to break when one segment is up. This can avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed or sense of tackling too much within their day.
If the students are on a set routine, then their mind automatically adjusts to sufficient amount of focus and concentration that is needed. With proper breaks resolved into their schedule, students will clearly know when to focus, when to rest and when to get back to work.
Although many teachers and education leaders sometimes wonder how to encourage the students to participate. But unless the students are kept engaged, it invariably appeals that there is an underlying problem at hand. Understanding the root of ?why? students have trouble focusing, can help them restore their concentration levels.
Trying few of these focus-inducing activities may just surprise you with the results you see!
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