This is an article to state what happens when you add water to quick lime.


? Calcium oxide or quick lime

? Jet tube

? Beaker

? Test tube

? Distilled water


? Take a very small amount of quick lime or calcium oxide in a beaker.

? Now add water to the quick lime slowly and slowly in the beaker. Pour water which is more than enough for the quick lime to remain submerged inside the water.

?Note the temperature of the beaker by touching it with your fingers.

?Do not disturb the beaker for some time and let it sit idle.

? Now take a very small amount of the clear solution from the beaker in a test tube and blow the exhaled air into the lime water.


? When we add water to the quick lime, a slaked lime kind of suspension is formed.

? While touching the beaker, we feel the heat.

? When the suspension of the slaked lime settles down at the bottom of the speaker, a clear solution is formed.

? On blowing the exhaled air, carbon dioxide reacts with the clear solution and the lime water turns milky.


? The quick lime reaction with water is exothermic in nature due to production of heat.

? The slaked lime creates a suspension in water since it is only slightly soluble in water.

? The clear solution formed after the slaked lime gets settled is also known as lime water.

? The exhaled air containing carbon dioxide is the reason for the turning of lime water into milky colour.

? The reaction is a combination reaction owing to the fact that calcium oxide and water react with each other to form only one single product i.e. calcium hydroxide.


? Never add the quick lime to the water since the lime water can very easily splash out of the container to harm our skin or eyes.

? It must always be done that the quick lime should be taken in small quantity in the beaker and then only the water should be slowly poured into it.

? Adding of excessive water than needed can cause an explosion owing to a vigorous reaction.

? The beaker should be touched to check temperature and one should never touch or dip one?s fingers in the lime water since calcium hydroxide can burn the skin.

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This is an article to state what happens when you add water to quick lime.


? Calcium oxide or quick lime

? Jet tube

? Beaker

? Test tube

? Distilled water


? Take a very small amount of quick lime or calcium oxide in a beaker.

? Now add water to the quick lime slowly and slowly in the beaker. Pour water which is more than enough for the quick lime to remain submerged inside the water.

?Note the temperature of the beaker by touching it with your fingers.

?Do not disturb the beaker for some time and let it sit idle.

? Now take a very small amount of the clear solution from the beaker in a test tube and blow the exhaled air into the lime water.


? When we add water to the quick lime, a slaked lime kind of suspension is formed.

? While touching the beaker, we feel the heat.

? When the suspension of the slaked lime settles down at the bottom of the speaker, a clear solution is formed.

? On blowing the exhaled air, carbon dioxide reacts with the clear solution and the lime water turns milky.


? The quick lime reaction with water is exothermic in nature due to production of heat.

? The slaked lime creates a suspension in water since it is only slightly soluble in water.

? The clear solution formed after the slaked lime gets settled is also known as lime water.

? The exhaled air containing carbon dioxide is the reason for the turning of lime water into milky colour.

? The reaction is a combination reaction owing to the fact that calcium oxide and water react with each other to form only one single product i.e. calcium hydroxide.


? Never add the quick lime to the water since the lime water can very easily splash out of the container to harm our skin or eyes.

? It must always be done that the quick lime should be taken in small quantity in the beaker and then only the water should be slowly poured into it.

? Adding of excessive water than needed can cause an explosion owing to a vigorous reaction.

? The beaker should be touched to check temperature and one should never touch or dip one?s fingers in the lime water since calcium hydroxide can burn the skin.

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