What Is This New Device?

In today's world Power becomes major need for human life, There is need to develop non-renewable energy sources. So in this project we are going to introduce one such method which is generation of electricity by using roller mechanism. This setup generates free electricity by simply passing vehicles over it. The basic principle of this system is simply conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. The system is made up of roller which rotates due to pressure exerted by vehicle passing over it. The wasted kinetic energy of the vehicle is converted into electrical energy by roller mechanism through several energy conversion methods. The generated electricity is stored in battery and then used as per requirement. As the number of vehicles increases day by day, this system will be useful to solve the energy crisis problem. Electricity is generated by replacing the traditional speed breakers with some simple mechanisms. As vehicles pass over the speed breakers, they spin the rollers which are connected to a generator which in turn generates electricity. This method is an effective way to produce electricity as the number of vehicles on the road is ever increasing. Also the cost of fabrication of the model is low. It can be effectively placed near traffic lights, at the entrance of parking lots and any other place where the traffic density is high. Rollers are fixed on a wooden ramp on which vehicle passes. As vehicle passes over it, it starts moving. A chain drive mechanism is provided which transfers the motion to a DC motor/generator for electricity generation.

This method provides an efficient way to generate electricity from the kinetic energy of moving vehicles on roads, highways, parking lots, etc. The total implementation of research can be represented by several steps.At the first step, before vehicle passing across the roller there is no current flow and nearly zero voltage at the terminal. This shows no charging operation to the battery. In the second step, vehicle has just passed on the roller, as a result a high torque induced in roller. Due to this high torque roller gives rotation. This rotation produces terminal voltage and causes charging current to flow towards battery. So battery charging with high terminal voltage. At that moment terminal voltage is 12V and charging current value is 0.9A. In the third, step as the vehicle passes through the roller the rotation of the roller decreases which also decreases the terminal voltage to 9.5V. But the charging period continues to increases with higher current amplitude and gain a value of 1.5A.The decrease in terminal voltage is not similar to the increase rate of charging current. In the final step rotation of the roller decreases which also decreases the terminal voltage to approximately zero volts.

The commutator was needed to produce direct current. When a loop of wire rotates in a magnetic field, the potential induced in it reverses with each half turn, generating an alternating current. However, in the early days of electric experimentation, alternating current generally had no known use. The few uses for electricity, such as electroplating, used direct current provided by messy liquid batteries. Dynamos were invented as a replacement for batteries. The commutator is essentially a rotary switch. It consists of a set of contacts mounted on the machine's shaft, combined with graphite-block stationary contacts, called "brushes" because the earliest such fixed contacts were metal brushes. The commutator reverses the connection of the windings to the external circuit when the potential reverses, so instead of alternating current, a pulsing direct current is produced.

Research Institutes Who work on Electrical Technology:

College of Engineering, Trivandrum


Central Institute Of Road Transport

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What Is This New Device?

In today's world Power becomes major need for human life, There is need to develop non-renewable energy sources. So in this project we are going to introduce one such method which is generation of electricity by using roller mechanism. This setup generates free electricity by simply passing vehicles over it. The basic principle of this system is simply conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. The system is made up of roller which rotates due to pressure exerted by vehicle passing over it. The wasted kinetic energy of the vehicle is converted into electrical energy by roller mechanism through several energy conversion methods. The generated electricity is stored in battery and then used as per requirement. As the number of vehicles increases day by day, this system will be useful to solve the energy crisis problem. Electricity is generated by replacing the traditional speed breakers with some simple mechanisms. As vehicles pass over the speed breakers, they spin the rollers which are connected to a generator which in turn generates electricity. This method is an effective way to produce electricity as the number of vehicles on the road is ever increasing. Also the cost of fabrication of the model is low. It can be effectively placed near traffic lights, at the entrance of parking lots and any other place where the traffic density is high. Rollers are fixed on a wooden ramp on which vehicle passes. As vehicle passes over it, it starts moving. A chain drive mechanism is provided which transfers the motion to a DC motor/generator for electricity generation.

This method provides an efficient way to generate electricity from the kinetic energy of moving vehicles on roads, highways, parking lots, etc. The total implementation of research can be represented by several steps.At the first step, before vehicle passing across the roller there is no current flow and nearly zero voltage at the terminal. This shows no charging operation to the battery. In the second step, vehicle has just passed on the roller, as a result a high torque induced in roller. Due to this high torque roller gives rotation. This rotation produces terminal voltage and causes charging current to flow towards battery. So battery charging with high terminal voltage. At that moment terminal voltage is 12V and charging current value is 0.9A. In the third, step as the vehicle passes through the roller the rotation of the roller decreases which also decreases the terminal voltage to 9.5V. But the charging period continues to increases with higher current amplitude and gain a value of 1.5A.The decrease in terminal voltage is not similar to the increase rate of charging current. In the final step rotation of the roller decreases which also decreases the terminal voltage to approximately zero volts.

The commutator was needed to produce direct current. When a loop of wire rotates in a magnetic field, the potential induced in it reverses with each half turn, generating an alternating current. However, in the early days of electric experimentation, alternating current generally had no known use. The few uses for electricity, such as electroplating, used direct current provided by messy liquid batteries. Dynamos were invented as a replacement for batteries. The commutator is essentially a rotary switch. It consists of a set of contacts mounted on the machine's shaft, combined with graphite-block stationary contacts, called "brushes" because the earliest such fixed contacts were metal brushes. The commutator reverses the connection of the windings to the external circuit when the potential reverses, so instead of alternating current, a pulsing direct current is produced.

Research Institutes Who work on Electrical Technology:

College of Engineering, Trivandrum


Central Institute Of Road Transport

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