Often times, societies that have taken up eco-friendly and otherwise economically mindful models of waste management are complacent with their steps to help the environment. This however, should not be the case. The global climate crisis is fast approaching, with collapse of ecosystems. In order to have a 67% chance of keeping the global temperature increase level below 1.5 degrees Celsius, the IPCC stated that the earth had a budget of 450 gigatons of CO2 that it may release into the atmosphere. Within two years of this observation, this budget has gone down by over 120 gigatons. At this rate, this budget will be dried up in less than eight and half years. Hence, any possible method to increase the efficiency and efficacy of such models must be analyzed and adopted as per the ability of the community.

One such model collects the biodegradable waste from the households of the society and feeds an optimum 45 kgs of this to cows, who in 6 hours produce cow dung that is rich in methane. This dung is then fed into a biodigester that extracts biogas from the same. This biogas can be used by the society for cooking, electricity, heat and lighting. The residue from this process is fed to worms to produce worm casts. Stale food that cannot be fed to the cows are added to compost to develop maggots and worms that will be eaten by chickens, increasing their production of eggs. Fish waste is additionally fed to ducks to do the same with their egg production. Plastic wastes can be used by societies to pave roads, giving them a ten year lifespan.

This model is extremely innovative as it essentially uses all the waste produced by the society in order to yield useful products for the same society that provided these resources, allowing a cheaper production process. It is also seen that the rate of decomposition is accelerated here. For example, fish waste that normally takes over 120 days to decompose can be disposed of in half an hour through feeding it to the ducks. This additionally increases their egg yield three-fold, thus acting as an added bonus. This model may be incorporated in bigger cities through the use of SLRMs (Solid Liquid Resource Management) in a 4 kilometer radius in order to ensure the waste management of that particular radius, providing for an environmentally aware nation.

Research Institutes:



Greta Thunberg, Climate Activist


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Often times, societies that have taken up eco-friendly and otherwise economically mindful models of waste management are complacent with their steps to help the environment. This however, should not be the case. The global climate crisis is fast approaching, with collapse of ecosystems. In order to have a 67% chance of keeping the global temperature increase level below 1.5 degrees Celsius, the IPCC stated that the earth had a budget of 450 gigatons of CO2 that it may release into the atmosphere. Within two years of this observation, this budget has gone down by over 120 gigatons. At this rate, this budget will be dried up in less than eight and half years. Hence, any possible method to increase the efficiency and efficacy of such models must be analyzed and adopted as per the ability of the community.

One such model collects the biodegradable waste from the households of the society and feeds an optimum 45 kgs of this to cows, who in 6 hours produce cow dung that is rich in methane. This dung is then fed into a biodigester that extracts biogas from the same. This biogas can be used by the society for cooking, electricity, heat and lighting. The residue from this process is fed to worms to produce worm casts. Stale food that cannot be fed to the cows are added to compost to develop maggots and worms that will be eaten by chickens, increasing their production of eggs. Fish waste is additionally fed to ducks to do the same with their egg production. Plastic wastes can be used by societies to pave roads, giving them a ten year lifespan.

This model is extremely innovative as it essentially uses all the waste produced by the society in order to yield useful products for the same society that provided these resources, allowing a cheaper production process. It is also seen that the rate of decomposition is accelerated here. For example, fish waste that normally takes over 120 days to decompose can be disposed of in half an hour through feeding it to the ducks. This additionally increases their egg yield three-fold, thus acting as an added bonus. This model may be incorporated in bigger cities through the use of SLRMs (Solid Liquid Resource Management) in a 4 kilometer radius in order to ensure the waste management of that particular radius, providing for an environmentally aware nation.

Research Institutes:



Greta Thunberg, Climate Activist


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First Community Portal for K-12