Application Software Developers are the creative minds behind every software program. They design computer applications, such as word processors and games for consumers. Some applications software developers create a complex database for organizations. They also create programs that people use over the internet and within a company's intranet.

If this exciting and challenging career interests you, then you must read this article and gain in-depth knowledge about this field.

Eligibility Criteria and Higher Studies

Aspiring candidates must possess a bachelor's degree in computer science or B. Tech in software engineering.

Curriculum and Core Subjects

Some of the common subjects studied in computer science engineering are listed below:

Semester ISemester II
EnglishCommunication Techniques
Engineering Mathematics IEngineering Mathematics II
Engineering PhysicsEngineering Chemistry/ Physics
Engineering ChemistryEngineering Mechanics
Computer Systems and ProgrammingMechanical Engineering
Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMechanical Engineering
-Environmental Studies and Disaster Management
Semester IIISemester IV
Engineering Mathematics IIICommunication Engineering
Digital ElectronicsPrinciples of Programming Languages
Electronic CircuitsComputer Organization and Architecture
Discrete StructuresDatabase and File Systems
Object- Oriented ProgrammingEngineering Management and Economics
Data StructuresSystem Software
Semester VSemester VI
Software EngineeringOperating Systems
Microprocessor and InterfacesComputer Networks
E-CommerceDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
Computer GraphicsEmbedded Systems
Telecommunication FundamentalsTheory of Computation
Logical and Fundamental ProgrammingDigital Signal Processing
Information Theory and CodingAdvanced Software Engineering
-Microwave and Satellite Communication
Semester VIISemester VIII
Compiler ConstructionInformation System and Securities
Data Mining and Ware HousingCAD for VLSI Design
Logic SynthesisAdvanced Computer Architectures
Artificial IntelligenceDistributed Systems
Multimedia SystemsImage Processing
Service Oriented ArchitecturesNatural Language Processing
Optical Communication-
Real- Time Systems-

Some of the subjects covered in the syllabus of B. Tech Software Engineering are:

Subject NameTopics Covered
Soft Skills ICalculus and Solid Geometry, Physics, Chemistry
Soft Skills IIAdvanced Calculus and Complex Analysis, Material Science, Principles of Environmental Science, Programming Using C and C++
Value EducationProgramming Using Matlab, Biology for Engineers, Basic Civil Engineering, Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting Lab
Transforms and Boundary Value ProblemsComputer Organization & Architecture, Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering, Programming Using Java, Data Structures & Algorithms Lab, Java Programming Lab
Probability and Queuing TheoryPrinciples of Operating System and Compiler, Computer Networks, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software Project Management
Discrete MathematicsData Base Management Systems, Cloud Computing, Software Testing, Software Measurements and Metrics
Web ProgrammingAnalysis of Software Artifacts, Software Quality Management, Software Maintenance and Administration, Minor Project
Service Oriented ArchitectureSoftware Process Maturity Models, P Agile Software Process
Visual ProgrammingNetworks Security, E-Commerce, Soft Computing, Object Oriented Software Engineering, Personal Software Process
Advanced Java ProgrammingDistributed Operating Systems, TCP/IP Principles, Wireless and Mobile Communication, Mobile Databases, Human Computer Interaction, Knowledge Based Systems, Bio Informatics, Information Security, Design Pattern
Windows InternalC# and .Net Technologies, High Speed Networks, Firewall Architecture, Data Ware Housing, Multimedia System, Digital Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Ethical Hacking, Software Reuse
Real Time Software SystemLinux Internal, XML & Web Services, Pervasive Computing, Networks Management, Embedded Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Decision Support System, Data Mining, Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing, Software Agents, Android Programming, Software Reliability

Careers Related to the Field

Some of the careers related to the field are:

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Application Software Developers are the creative minds behind every software program. They design computer applications, such as word processors and games for consumers. Some applications software developers create a complex database for organizations. They also create programs that people use over the internet and within a company's intranet.

If this exciting and challenging career interests you, then you must read this article and gain in-depth knowledge about this field.

Eligibility Criteria and Higher Studies

Aspiring candidates must possess a bachelor's degree in computer science or B. Tech in software engineering.

Curriculum and Core Subjects

Some of the common subjects studied in computer science engineering are listed below:

Semester ISemester II
EnglishCommunication Techniques
Engineering Mathematics IEngineering Mathematics II
Engineering PhysicsEngineering Chemistry/ Physics
Engineering ChemistryEngineering Mechanics
Computer Systems and ProgrammingMechanical Engineering
Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMechanical Engineering
-Environmental Studies and Disaster Management
Semester IIISemester IV
Engineering Mathematics IIICommunication Engineering
Digital ElectronicsPrinciples of Programming Languages
Electronic CircuitsComputer Organization and Architecture
Discrete StructuresDatabase and File Systems
Object- Oriented ProgrammingEngineering Management and Economics
Data StructuresSystem Software
Semester VSemester VI
Software EngineeringOperating Systems
Microprocessor and InterfacesComputer Networks
E-CommerceDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
Computer GraphicsEmbedded Systems
Telecommunication FundamentalsTheory of Computation
Logical and Fundamental ProgrammingDigital Signal Processing
Information Theory and CodingAdvanced Software Engineering
-Microwave and Satellite Communication
Semester VIISemester VIII
Compiler ConstructionInformation System and Securities
Data Mining and Ware HousingCAD for VLSI Design
Logic SynthesisAdvanced Computer Architectures
Artificial IntelligenceDistributed Systems
Multimedia SystemsImage Processing
Service Oriented ArchitecturesNatural Language Processing
Optical Communication-
Real- Time Systems-

Some of the subjects covered in the syllabus of B. Tech Software Engineering are:

Subject NameTopics Covered
Soft Skills ICalculus and Solid Geometry, Physics, Chemistry
Soft Skills IIAdvanced Calculus and Complex Analysis, Material Science, Principles of Environmental Science, Programming Using C and C++
Value EducationProgramming Using Matlab, Biology for Engineers, Basic Civil Engineering, Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting Lab
Transforms and Boundary Value ProblemsComputer Organization & Architecture, Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering, Programming Using Java, Data Structures & Algorithms Lab, Java Programming Lab
Probability and Queuing TheoryPrinciples of Operating System and Compiler, Computer Networks, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software Project Management
Discrete MathematicsData Base Management Systems, Cloud Computing, Software Testing, Software Measurements and Metrics
Web ProgrammingAnalysis of Software Artifacts, Software Quality Management, Software Maintenance and Administration, Minor Project
Service Oriented ArchitectureSoftware Process Maturity Models, P Agile Software Process
Visual ProgrammingNetworks Security, E-Commerce, Soft Computing, Object Oriented Software Engineering, Personal Software Process
Advanced Java ProgrammingDistributed Operating Systems, TCP/IP Principles, Wireless and Mobile Communication, Mobile Databases, Human Computer Interaction, Knowledge Based Systems, Bio Informatics, Information Security, Design Pattern
Windows InternalC# and .Net Technologies, High Speed Networks, Firewall Architecture, Data Ware Housing, Multimedia System, Digital Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Ethical Hacking, Software Reuse
Real Time Software SystemLinux Internal, XML & Web Services, Pervasive Computing, Networks Management, Embedded Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Decision Support System, Data Mining, Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing, Software Agents, Android Programming, Software Reliability

Careers Related to the Field

Some of the careers related to the field are:

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